ICC Hot News
ICC Hot News is inspiring, entertaining and informative! We bring you the best news you will ever watch! The International Christian Church (ICC) started with only 42 disciples in Los Angeles in 2007. Today there are dozens of ICC churches globally on all 6 populated continents! God has blessed the ICC's "Crown of Thorns Project." The Crown of Thorns Project is a plan to evangelize the nations in this Generation. By God's grace we've seen the Holy Spirit plant churches 12 key cities starting with Santiago in 2009! London was sent out in 2010 gallantly led by Michael and Michele Williamson. The Holy Spirit sent out Raul and Lynda Moreno to plant Sao Paulo in 2011. God sent out both Mexico city and Paris in 2012. Then came the Sydney and Chennai plantings in 2014. Moscow and Manila God allowed us to see planted in 2015. Then excitingly, Lagos and Dubai were sent out in 2016! And lastly Hong Kong in 2017. From Los Angeles God has led us to plant four other churches in California, Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Barbara and San Diego. Phoenix is one of our sister churches and Las Vegas was planted as well. We also have churches from LA up to Seattle across to Boston and down to Florida as well as the middle of the country with Colorado and Dallas and many other churches even up in Toronto. Enjoy the Hot News!